Revealed: anti-government People’s Rights Network, founded by Ammon Bundy, appearing to follow ‘entryism’ strategy

At least 66 members of an anti-government group founded by far-right militia figure Ammon Bundy have attempted to win local positions of influence in the Republican party in Oregon, the Guardian can reveal.

The candidates stood for Republican precinct committee person (PCP) slots in three central Oregon counties in this week’s elections, with some facing no opponent and thus winning their positions by default. The role of PCPs includes electing the executive of the county-level GOP apparatus.

The move is part of what appears to be a coordinated attempt to capture the local Republican party infrastructure, following a far-right strategy of “entryism” into more mainstream political bodies.

  • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
    4 months ago

    Yeah I mean you can see right on the Kirker’s website they’re actively doing social invasion tactics they advertise it. They’re still struggling to get into local office in the Palouse because everyone hates them but they’ve also bought up half of Moscow. They own a construction company, realty companies, and internally subsidize out of state cultists to move in. Only a matter of time before they can sway local elections enough for a Kirker to hit office. I’m from north Idaho, it’s a mess there right now, and being used as a staging ground to swing Washington. If Oregon ends up like that too it’s going to be some rough times in Washington sooner or later

      4 months ago

      Spokane valley is their shitty asshole in Washington.

      The last time Spokane (not the valley) got all uppity about forming “Lincoln” or whatever they planned on calling it, Seattle officials literally laughed on air and said go for it, they’d be just fine getting the $733 million western Washington sends over to eastern Washington.

      Spokane shut the fuck up right quick.

      2020 census numbers Eastern WA has 1.3million people Western WA has 6.04mil.

      But sure, eastern Washington should be calling all the shots. What a miserable bunch of whiny crybabies.