Hello. My friend and I have some problem with decryption messages. Sometimes we receive “Message was encrypted with OMEMO but could not be decrypted” instead of the message itself. What could this problem be related to?

  • poVoqM
    15 days ago

    This is normal for older messages on new devices (=client/app) due to how forward secrecy in OMEMO works. Once you add a new device you need to send a message from it for all devices to exchange the encryption keys for the new device. Afterwards all new messages should be en- & decrypted as expected.

    Edit: if you use webclients they can sometimes lose the keys due to browser side privacy settings, so that might be another reason.

    • @someoneFromInternetOP
      015 days ago

      No, this happens on older devices, but I don’t understand how I can determine for what reason. A friend writes from ios(monal), and I have conversations and gajim.

      • poVoqM
        215 days ago

        You or they probably reinstalled the app or cleared the app cache etc.

        Under normal conditions it should not happen, although I do not have any experience with Monal in that regard.

          • @nicocool84@sh.itjust.worksM
            314 days ago

            OK, then it sounds like you need to work this out with Monal devs. Bug reports are usually appreciated by devs, especially if you manage to work out exactly when and how it happens…

            In my experience, Monal has been working great (except when siskin used the account before, leading to misconfiguration of some OMEMO-related stuff).