• Margot Robbie@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Whenever Kevin O’leary says anything, everything comes into context if you know how he got to be as rich as he is today.

    The short version of the story is Kevin O’leary destroyed the entire educational game industry by buying everyone out and took on massive amount of debt, misrepresented his company’s financial condition so Mattel was left holding the bag when they acquired The Learning Company in what was called one of the worst acquisitions in history, was subsequently fired and almost took down Mattel with him, and he has been coasting on that money he took from Mattel ever since.

    This has lead directly to the resignation of then Mattel CEO Jill Barad, the woman who made Barbie what it is today.

    I find it incredibly ironic for him, of all people, to be talking about conducting employment background checks.