TW: Harry Potter

Was Harry Potter Ever Good?


Video discusses flaws of the Harry Potter works by J.K. Rowling with comparisons to how other fictional YA novels/tv shows handled problematic topics.

  • UrsineApathy [none/use any]
    5 months ago

    Not really, no.

    I was the prime age range for the books as a kid. The first book was decent as YA books go in the sense that it crafted an easily digestible, yet whimsical world with interesting enough characters. It was clear though that JKR had no long term story plan beyond Voldemort Bad as she had to pump the books out to keep up with the movie production schedules. After the fourth book the story is basically nonsensical.

    If there were no movies made in which the world literally watched three cute white kids grow up from preteens to full fledged adults it would have died after the first book if it had to survive only on its own merit. Even with the movies, only the first three are any good.