Stop it. Just stop.

Why you call it RSS when you could simply have called it syndication? Why call it CEO when you could have called it top chief. You are making your language harder to understand for no good reason. Why call it TLDR when you can call it summary. Like what the fuck…

  • LvxferreM
    2 years ago

    Since Linguistics is descriptive (it tells you what goes on) instead of prescriptive (it doesn’t tell you what you should be using), note that this is at most off-topic. That said…

    The reason why people rely so much on abbreviations is information density - note how they’re usually shorter than their alternatives. And it’s fine; people are be able to parse any abbreviation as long as they have the context to do so.

    But waitaminute that also applies to other words too, not just abbreviations! And I think that the problem that you might be noticing with abbreviations also affects other words, known as “buzzwords”. They’re basically words crafted to hide meaning instead of convey it, within a certain utterance.