In a stunning display of comedic ineptitude, a local child has been found to be exceptionally bad at improv during his playtime with friends. The seven year old child, whose name has been withheld to protect his identity, has been reported to consistently fail at the fundamental concept of “yes, and,” leaving his playmates frustrated and bored.

According to sources close to the child, he has a habit of blocking instead of engaging in the collaborative back-and-forth that defines good improv. “He always says things like, ‘No, I don’t want to go to the zoo’ or ‘I’m not a pirate,'” expressed a frustrated playmate. “It’s like, come on, we’re pretending here! Can’t you use your imagination and go along with it?!”

Read the rest of the satire news article here on

    6 months ago

    It’s just referring to the principle and doesn’t need to be translated.

    From the Wiki article:

    “Yes, and…”, also referred to as “Yes, and…” thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that an improviser should accept what another improviser has stated (“yes”) and then expand on that line of thinking (“and”).[1][2][3] The improvisers’ characters may still disagree.[1]