500,000 to 1 million satellites are expected in the next decades, primarily to build internet constellations called megaconstellations. These megaconstellations are disposable and will constantly re-enter and be replaced, hence creating a layer of conductive particulate. Here it will be shown that the mass of the conductive particles left behind from worldwide distribution of re-entry satellites is already billions of times greater than the mass of the Van Allen Belts. From a preliminary analysis, the Debye length in spaceflight regions is significantly higher than non-spaceflight regions according to CCMC ionosphere data. As the megaconstellations grow, the Debye length of the satellite particulate may exceed that of the cislunar environment and create a conductive layer around the earth worldwide. Thus, satellite reentries may create a global band of plasma dust with a charge higher than the rest of the magnetosphere. Therefore, perturbation of the magnetosphere from conductive satellites and their plasma dust layer should be expected and should be a field of intensive research. Human activity is not only impacting the atmosphere, it is clearly impacting the ionosphere.