The US Coast Guard is giving a press conference following discovery of debris from the sub.

    1 year ago

    You’re so far up your own ass with this hate that you can’t see what a fucking hypocrite you are. You claim to give a shit about refugees while in the same breath calling for the heads of the rich.

    What are YOU doing to help those refugees? Fuck the rich, this isn’t about them; I’m asking YOU. What are YOU doing about this issue that is so important to you that you’d condemn others to death? I don’t give a shit what anyone else is or isn’t doing; you claim to care, so what are you doing about it?

    It’s so monumentally disappointing to see this hatred masquerading as virtue. You’re no different from the rich telling people to skip meals, you just spew the same trash under a different color flag. Do you know nothing of the history of our species? No path that condemns people to suffering and death is just. Read a fucking book.

      1 year ago

      You claim to give a shit about refugees while in the same breath calling for the heads of the rich.

      Yes. Because when articles literally telling people to skip meals in order to save money get published, unironically, I am going to balk at a multi-channel outlet operation to garner sympathy for these people.

      Bothsidesing this falls so flat when you know this guy ###fired a safety whistleblower### and the people went with him thinking that is a very good and fun idea.

      No path that condemns people to suffering and death is just.

      You wrote I am PERSONALLY condemning people to death here twice, as if repetition majes it true.

      I am obviously not condemning anyone to death. Am I? I never woke up one day and wished for these people to die.

      They did that themselves.

      And especially that poor kid who didn’t even want to be there.

      This is NOT a tragedy, this is consequences.