• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Funny how quickly certain groups seized some degree of control over this place. Isn’t this bullshit exactly what we just left behind?

    I don’t need some self-righteous moral guardian like that guy up there protecting me from seeing a titty. It’s as if they think because they spend 12 hours a day on this site, they are qualified to set a course for everyone. I’m with you, if there is another instance free of this unwanted Puritanism, I’d rather be there.

  • Oh gimme a fuckin’ break, you’re all acting like this is some moral and ethical dilemma looming over the future of the fediverse. It’s just porn, homie, and if you think you can separate the internet from porn, you’re delusional.

    Don’t invent problems where they don’t exist. Just because this is not functionally identical to reddit does not mean that the existing solutions won’t work. What are you so worried about anyway, glimpsing a nipple? Mark it nsfw, give users the option to blur or block. That’s all that needs to happen. Fuckin’ A, this isn’t complicated.

  • You’re so far up your own ass with this hate that you can’t see what a fucking hypocrite you are. You claim to give a shit about refugees while in the same breath calling for the heads of the rich.

    What are YOU doing to help those refugees? Fuck the rich, this isn’t about them; I’m asking YOU. What are YOU doing about this issue that is so important to you that you’d condemn others to death? I don’t give a shit what anyone else is or isn’t doing; you claim to care, so what are you doing about it?

    It’s so monumentally disappointing to see this hatred masquerading as virtue. You’re no different from the rich telling people to skip meals, you just spew the same trash under a different color flag. Do you know nothing of the history of our species? No path that condemns people to suffering and death is just. Read a fucking book.

  • Ah, good old fallacy of relative privation!

    There is always something worse; that is a pointless, ignorant, and highly offensive argument that speaks more of you than anything else. Other bad shit does not diminish this loss of life. How can you act like you give a fuck about refugees when you clearly don’t give a fuck about these lives? Who are you to decide their deaths are less important than another? Grow up.

    These people didn’t do anything to deserve death. All life has meaning.