I’ve had an absolute overkill vault for years and intend to switch to a sack (obvs unless the area has aggressive bears and/or the park specifies vaults are required).

What would you add as a luxury item to take up the newly available weight and volume? Currently leaning towards a lightweight backpacking chair. Getting up off the ground and having a backrest after a long days backpacking sounds great.

I have a 36L bag, so the vault takes up A LOT of the volume. And I shoot for midweight, say <20lbs dry weight.

Option 2, but vetoed by my frequent adventure buddy, was harmonicas for some nighttime jams. I can’t play harmonica, so backwoods camp seemed like a good place to practice.

  • Saprophyte@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I always recommend a chair for comfort. I carry one and a bv500. I use the bv to prepare my food on like a little table when I sit in my little sportneer chair.