• Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Minor corrections to what you said:

    Most Christians would say they are not a fan of this, but behind closed doors would absolutely be a fan of it based on their actions such as their voting and the thinly veiled hate and bigotry.

    Trump is not a Christian by any stretch, however the vast majority of his supporters sure are and they are very loudly proclaiming him as their savior and some gift from their god.

    For some unfathomable reason most Christians seem to believe Trump is the only option to vote for or it’s a sin or something. They will say wild stuff like “Oh yeah he’s a bit rough around the edges or crass, but he is doin gods work” while completely ignoring all the crimes, sins and horrible atrocities he does. My own family has said “yeah he may have a foul mouth, but he is pro-life!” As of that somehow makes it all ok. Let alone the fact that he isn’t pro-life, he’s pro-forced-birth and pro-controlling-women and doesn’t give a second thought to anyone’s life but his own.

    So… I very much beg to differ on your comment.

    • CableMonster
      5 months ago

      Strawman. If you dont know actual christians dont claim things about them that are based on a meme.

      • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        My comments SADLY come directly from experience. Both my family and a lot of former close friends think exactly that way.

        They ALL voted for Trump and even today all these years later seeing it clearly will STILL double down on it.

        So no, not a straw man at all. I wish it was. I wish it was…

        • CableMonster
          5 months ago

          I am sorry you have such a low opinions of your family and close friends. I personally doubt they are as bad as you believe.

          • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            See that is the problem though. How does one reconcile when a PERSON is good and nice and all, yet their ACTIONS lead to direct suffering and harm to a lot of people?

            And if Christians were as good as people keep claiming, then why are they not out in force:

            • Housing the homeless
            • Feeding the poor
            • Condemning SAers from their midst
            • Decrying school shootings
            • Protesting Israel’s genocide
            • Supporting and loving ALL PEOPLE from ALL NATIONS

            Hmm? I don’t see it. I mean sure, some Churches do some small token gestures of that list, but it’s an afterthought, PR for the religion, look at us doing good deeds! They do a good deed here and there and then feel morally superior and their pastor has a private jet and 4 mansions, all the while people starve and die all around them. They don’t care. If they did the actions would show it and they don’t.

            Don’t care what is said, show me the actions.

            • CableMonster
              5 months ago

              Just because you dont see it doesnt mean its not happening. You think so poorly of christians that youdont think they dont condemn people doing SA. This is just a cartoonish opinion of christians based on propaganda. “But I know christians!!” You see what you want to see in them, it does not reflect reality.

              • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                Again, from direct experience. It came to light that churches, including the one I grew up in had all been covering up repeat SA over DECADES. Quietly sweeping it under the rug, letting that person transfer to another church, and guess what happened there?

                I’m not just making this up. These are ACTUAL things I know and have seen impacting both me and my family and friends.

                Oh, and quick edit. It wasn’t just ONE isolated SA. It was entire LISTS of repeat offenders that were allowed to continue and NOT reported EVER.

                It makes me sick to think about it.

                • CableMonster
                  5 months ago

                  Yes outliers exist and bad people exist inside the church, but why do you apply it to christians at large? Should I apply every dumb thing the left does to you?

                  • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
                    5 months ago

                    I am making the argument based on both experience and the data we can all look up that the good ones in churches are the outliers, not the other way around.

                    But there’s honestly nothing I can say to convince you. You’ll have to either realize it for yourself one day or maybe not. And maybe you are fortunate enough to be surrounded by good people that aren’t doing these things and covering it all up. If so I’m glad, no one deserves that, especially from people they trusted and looked up to.

                    I think what is difficult to communicate is that once you’ve stepped out of that bubble and look back and realize just how much was being done and hidden or brushed aside it’s hard to go back. And claims of “not all Christians” sound exactly like “not all men” or “not all cops”. Yeah, we all realize that not literally 100% of a group does harm, but it’s more nuanced and at a certain point when there is repeat harm being done AND covered up and lied about it is “All” until they get the act together and make it “none”. If that makes sense.

                    I’m really not trying to attack YOU or your personal faith or anything. It’s more the institutions and series of actions (and inaction) that have been going on for far too long to continue to just ignore.

                    I just urge you to consider that if you ever come across something that you do the right thing, report it, support the victim, don’t conceal truth and protect someone you know is guilty to protect “the church” or “their family”. Because that’s what seems like is going on. SA happens and then other well meaning people cover it up probably to prevent more damage or a giant scene, but that perpetuates the problem.