• @Cruxifux@lemmy.world
        321 month ago

        I really hate when I hear about things getting the media blackout treatment, and the reason I know about them is because I heard about them from mainstream media sources.

        • @EdibleFriend@lemmy.world
          211 month ago

          It’s always some stupid shitty little website like OP is linking trying to convince people that they’re the only ones sharing the truth. He spammed this shit in a few different subs too.

          • @Synnr@sopuli.xyz
            1 month ago

            Looking further into the website, especially the category descriptions, it’s largely AI written and looks like a propaganda website like masses created and spread during the last 2 American election seasons.

              • @Synnr@sopuli.xyz
                1 month ago

                Unfortunately it’s election season in the US, so any sources of conversation will be overtaken by bad actors. That means any politics subs, news subs, and especially US Politics subs. A whitelist could work but it would take a lot of work and make a lot of users mad, they tried on Reddit for a few subs and the list of allowed sites was huge. Then you also have people asking, can Fox News be blacklisted? And if it’s not, the propagandists will shift their strategy from fake websites to websites with low integrity like Fox and make the article fit their ‘opinion’… It’s a neverending cat and mouse game where the only strategy that works is well-trained moderators, and only if the bots (read: bot farms, humans) aren’t vying for a mod position as soon as it opens, which they will be.

                • @sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
                  1 month ago

                  Yeah, I really liked /r/neutralnews, which had a whitelist (for posts) and a blacklist (for comments), and anything else was taken on a case-by-case basis.

                  And the problem isn’t just because it’s election season (but it’ll get worse), it was also a problem when I joined last summer. It’s a “tons of leftists on lemmy.ml” problem posting sketching sources that serves whatever their agenda is.

                  That said, I don’t think we should necessarily have a blacklist (and certainly not with lemmy as-is), but a bot with a large whitelist of sources pulled from /r/neutralnews that provides alternatives would be awesome (bonus points if it also archives the relevant pages). It would basically do a search with the given search terms, pull links from the first 10 or so relevant results, and randomly choose 2-3 that have a high correlation with the posted source (and a link for a search query on DDG or similar for more results).

                  Maybe I’ll hack on that, idk. I’ve wanted something like /r/neutralnews since coming here, and I haven’t found anything remotely similar.

    • @UnpluggedFridge@lemmy.world
      81 month ago

      Are people expecting journalists to get ahold of this body and do their their own autopsy? To seize evidence and do their own forensic analysis? There are no developments because there is no way for journalists to get more information. Without more information, there is nothing to report.

  • @BigDanishGuy@sh.itjust.works
    341 month ago

    Man makes an enemy of a large company, man tells friends and family that he would not commit suicide and not to believe that in case he dies, man dies… Coroner yup, that’s totally a suicide while counting a large stack of 50s…

  • Rom [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Not even stepping down until the end of the year, either. Also,

    During his tenure, Calhoun made $24.5 million in salary and benefits and will possibly make a further $45.5 million from stock options he retains and $5 million from a retirement package.

    So he murders a whistleblower with a hilariously bad coverup, gets to keep his job for another nine months, and still keeps his bonuses and retirement when he leaves. Can someone explain to me which part of this is supposed to be a punishment, because I’m not seeing it.

  • 7heo
    311 month ago

    During his tenure, Calhoun made $24.5 million in salary and benefits and will possibly make a further $45.5 million from stock options he retains and $5 million from a retirement package.

    Hey boss, there’s your problem.

  • @kandoh@reddthat.com
    71 month ago

    He’s not even the one responsible, he was just hired to eat the shit they knew was coming their way.

  • @quindraco@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    This news site:

    Bias Rating: LEFT

    Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL

    Country: USA

    Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE

    Media Type: Website

    Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

    MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY


    Rating of a good source:

    Bias Rating: LEAST BIASED

    Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH

    Country: United Kingdom

    MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE

    Media Type: News Agency

    Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

    MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY
