Protonvpn has some instructions to connect via openvpn:

Where I’m stuck is step 3, where the guide has you download a dns update script into /etc/openvpn.

Openvpn doesn’t reside in /etc so I’m not sure how to handle that. Any advice? Thanks.

  • @fishinthecalculator
    9 days ago

    I wouldn’t go the manual way if you are not forced. If you use NetworkManager you can import the configuration either grafically or with nmcli.

    It should be sufficiente to modify the network manager service provided by Guix:

    (modify-services %desktop-services
     (network-manager-service-type config =>
    			        (inherit config)
    			        (vpn-plugins (list network-manager-openvpn))))

    reconfiguring your system, rebooting and then importing the configuration and set your credentials