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Over the years news search engine of Google and Bing has become increasingly useless, where even quoting specific keywords of news I know exists yields no result and I am choked with unrelated trendy local news. So, I am looking for a better news search engine (bonus if it also searches blogs and is able to differentiate as well).

    21 month ago

    Welcome to the enshittification of the internet. Its strange, its almost like our benevolent Billionaire overlords dont want us educated, just a big dumb source of profit to be extracted, but no, that couldn’t be it, must just be “bad search engines”.

    • wuphysics87
      01 month ago

      As a college prof, my experience has been that folks don’t want an education. They want a piece of paper saying they are educated. I use the “poor substitute for google” line often.

      I tell students never in the rest of their lives will you be around such a large concentration of experts in such diverse fields. Don’t squander it.

      Fortunately, where I am now, students take that to heart, but most other places it is in one ear and out the other.