I have seen many a democratic initiative ruined by trolls, bot accounts, duplicate accounts, and assholes. The best way to ensure that democracy doesn’t spiral into Haiti is to allow only financial contributors of $5 or more to vote (once the boss man has his contributions system up and running). You want to help build this community? OK, then put your money where your mouth is. To be clear, it should still be one vote per person, whether you donate $5 or $500.

  • SubArcticTundra
    1 year ago

    In principle it sounds undemocratic, because Reddit is all about (up- and down-) votes coming from freeloading users (of which there are far more). Also, if people pile on to certain decisions because they are memes, it might lead to some interesting things happening (see eg. the whole GameStop saga). But in practice I think requiring donations would make a simple and reliable idiot filter.
