For me personally Logseq filled the gap of Obsidian to have something fluid enough to handle quotes. In some cases quotes get their own page and in some other cases I reference to them inside the page of the book they’re from.
In all cases I write my own thoughts to the quote. Through the fact how nodes work in Logseq I can write tags behind the nodes and link to the book (for e.g. #Quote #Bookname). This makes it possible to query for all quotes or specific quotes from specific books, topics or whatever.
In Obsidian this was my primary struggle: Not being fluid enough so I had to create a separate page with a quote and my opionion, had to keep a basic structure and had to find a name for that page (one of my biggest struggles) and so on.

  • disrooterM
    1 year ago

    Everywhere, no matter the page, you can write:

    - [[Book name]]
      - [[Quotes]]
       - Plain quote here.
       - Another quote here.


    - [[Book name]]
     - Plain quote here.

    You can retrieve them with the query:

    {{query (and [[Book name]] [[quotes]])}}

    Remember that queries look for references also in the parent blocks, so the following:

    - [[Author name]]
      - [[Book name]]
       - [[Quotes]]
        - A quote.


    {{query (and [[Author name]] [[Book name]] [[quotes]])}}

    So you can group your quotes and tag them only once instead of repeating the same tag on different lines.

    You can embed the quote somewhere else and style it as a quote using the > symbol:

    - > ((block-id))
      7 months ago

      Well here I am about one year later after switching accounts finally seeing your comment… :D This helped!

      However, would it be possible to only show the last “depth” of that query so it only queries the actual quotes? I.e. instead of:

      It would be better if it would look like:

      Since the query basically is looking up the quotes by that author (I left the book out in that one) and is being put on the page of the author it is clear what it is and it should only display the actual quotes and the book’s name.

      It’s not that big of an issue if that isn’t possible but it would improve it visually in case you have several books with many quotes etc.

  • Writerly
    1 year ago

    I tag them with #quotes and the subject, if needed with the book title, but usually the subject is enough for me to find the quote.

    If I have many quotes for one book, I might group them, but for now, I don’t mind, I tend to search on subject anyway :)