Thanks for avoiding the ‘master race’ phrase in this magazine

It is quite the problematic phrase that I wish we could erase from our cultural lexicon. Thanks for skipping it with this magazine.


  • Atemu
    1 year ago

    It was a hundred years ago, now it’s not. That’s how language works. The Nazis don’t get to decide what a term means forever in any context. I do not believe they have that power and I won’t give it to the either.
    We Germans still use the word “Führer”. “Reiseführer”, “Geschäftsführer”, “Marktführer”, “Führerschein” etc. Common words. Nobody thinks of Hitler when they hear those words. Again, you have to really try to misunderstand these. That actually does happen for cracking a stupid joke every now and then. Again, you’d have to be trolling.

    By letting the Nazis change back the meaning of a word, you’re letting them win. You acknowledge their line of thinking is valid and that this term shall henceforth refer to their stupid ideology again.

    The rise of Nazis in that one fucked up country bear no relevance to the meaning of a term in global online tech communities.