Tire dust? Tires are generaly made from a kind of rubber, not plastic. A great majority of micro plastics that end up in enviroment and in your body are shed from plastic fabrics. If you’re really worried about limiting plastic consumption check your clothing tags for polyester and nylon. Return to cotton, hemp, and linen.
Tire dust? Tires are generaly made from a kind of rubber, not plastic. A great majority of micro plastics that end up in enviroment and in your body are shed from plastic fabrics. If you’re really worried about limiting plastic consumption check your clothing tags for polyester and nylon. Return to cotton, hemp, and linen.
Synthetic rubber like SBR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Styrene-butadiene
Tires and brakes are a major source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-17201-9
Tyres are unfortunately plastics in this day and age as well.
As for the share of microplastic pollution, both rank about equally as high: 35% for clothes, 28% for tyres (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20181116STO19217/microplastics-sources-effects-and-solutions) - this as a share of directly released particles that make it into the ocean.
Note the interesting fact of fishing nets, plastic bags and bottles making up the vast majority of plastic in the ocean, however.
There’s one study I’m aware of that has tires as being responsible for up to 40% of oceanic microplastics