Eat. Drink. Relax. Be happy ✌️
Can’t Sleep Gang checking in here.
Right here. Have to move the mattress to the loungeroom if I want any sleep. This house has no insulation. You turn the aircon off and the house goes back to hot as fuck in 15 minutes.
Yep. Also, no kitty, me being up at 3am does not make it breakfast time.
resident maggie has discovered the sprinkler:
Having a lovely time. Yesterday she had her beak open everytime I saw her trying to stay cool.
Not today maggie I gotchu.
Awake in the heat last night, I remembered I had that astro setting on my phone.
And it makes a little time-lapse!..
Oh that was me when I got back from early morning beach! Nothing like hot sun+salt water to bring on a nap
Were you snoring too?
Hee hee maybee…
What my family calls Gran’s Grapes. She is actually my Great Gran. Before she passed away, she had lived in Thornbury since the 30s, and had this vine growing on her fence that had grapes, so delicious. After she passed, my uncle grabbed clippings and started growing them up at his house in Doreen. They’ve been thriving lately.
Yesterday, he gave us each a bag of grapes from those vines. Each bag is like a good 1kg, and he has 7. Said he has more at home still too.
They are the most delicious grapes I’ve ever had, nothing at the shops has come close. We are still trying to work out what type they are, but honestly I’m just glad to have some. They remind me of Gran.
That’s lovely
Isn’t it? It;s so awesome that Aussies love to grow fruit. :)
For some reason they look incredible 🤤
if it’s an old vine then it’s not a new cultivar. I think they are Cardinal Grapes
they look sweet and tasty
Oooo ty for this!! I’ll check it out some more _
I am so jelly, the grapes look delicious and it must be so nice to have grape vines :)
Oh wow. It’s still 30 inside. I don’t think my flat has ever started off warming up this hot before. It’s 30% humidity despite the evap cooler being on all night.
My peace lilly is upset and needs to be watered. Pretty sure I watered them yesterday though.
peacethis means war lillyWe all feel the same lily. Hydrate and get some rest today. Don’t do too much.
I never thought I could relate to a plant so much.
For those without aircon:
• put on a wet tshirt. For maximum effect sit in front of a fan.
• open all the windows and blinds overnight. It’s supposed to be 24 overnight, so you want to get your house to that temp before the next day starts. Close it all up again in the morning
Source: grew up without aircon.
Wet hand towel or face washer on the back of your neck works!
Can confirm wet shirt or bandana helps. I went a long time with no cooling
I’ve only had A/C here is Australia the past few years
same, cool loose clothes, open window if there is a breeze, fan, damp cloths to wipe face and neck and forearms , years ago damp cloths to soothe baby Miss Seagoon,
I tried damp cloths on the cat but she runs. Hates ice in her water and catsicles, won’t stay on cool tiles
indeed, cats do not like, I have tried with fun results 🤪
I have ice packs in the freezer that I wrap in a towel and put myself.
In addition, get some of that aluminium insulation they use on car windows. Layer it up to about four layers, then put it up on your windows, with the shiny side facing out.
Also, buy a cooling blanket. Put it through the wash every four hours, and wrap it around you.
Source: I feel sick but not dead, and the cat is presently purring very loudly.
This is the way.
Lil ladybug clinging onto my leg for moisture at the beach. Beach is very packed and water surprisingly cool still.
lil ladybug
I’m in hell
Promised my kid an early morning beach visit tomorrow. Can’t say I’m overly excited about it but it still should be nice to dip my toes around 7am. An hour or 2 then home to AC.
Feeling a little caged at the moment with this heat.
Power outlet next to the sink has shorted and keeps popping and smoking when the mains is turned on. The real estate agent’s emergency electrical line won’t fix it till Thursday and all other electricians called won’t fix it despite us willing to pay it because we don’t own the property. There’s no fire extinguisher or ground fault protection so I really can’t risk playing with the outlet.
I actually love how I can’t get an electrician because I am a renter this is ridiculous. I’m all out of options besides either, calling more electricians until one agrees to do it, or start a fire because I want the fan on ;-;
Anyone have an suggestions?
Edit: After much electrician shopping, someone was found to do it. If something goes wrong we’ve been assured that we’ll have to answer for it
This would, imo, classify as an urgent repair. says:
Urgent repairs need to be done as soon as possible. If they are not done urgently you can apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). It will hear your application within 2 business days. If any repairs needed are not urgent the rental provider has 14 days to get them done.
IDK if I would classify Thursday as “urgently”, but VCAT won’t look at anything you send them until Tuesday or Wednesday.
I’m sorry, it sucks to be a renter, I know.
The link to the repairs page, worth a read
I think we got an electrician willing to come, but it’ll be out if pocket.
Honestly, I’m scared to go to VCAT as this is my first rental and I don’t want to be blacklisted.
You won’t get blacklisted for an urgent repair request. It’s also a safety issue.
Also, thanks for linking the repairs page. It’s been really helpful to read.
Can you not isolate power around the sink only ?
Probably not. It depends how many circuits the place has. In a unit all the points are probably on the same one. You could turn all the outlets off and still have lights, but not a subset of outlets.
No, we have two switches. One says main and does something (not sure), and the other is unlabelled and is the main switch
Edit: picture
That fuse box is no longer legal and requires replacement. The lack of earth is also a problem that they MUST fix. VCAT asap if they push back.
Oh wait, it is?! Please send me a link to the relevant law, I’m curious now ;)
Probably not the best link, but
I had one of those recently and I had to get it changed out due to regulations to an updated one with safety breakers on it.
The people installing the new hot water system nearly didn’t want to install it with the old power board in.
Still 31 outside. I’m using 0.4kw/h running the ac. Sun rise is 7:11am, so 8 am to producing any meaningful power. So 3.2kw to buy power overnight to run the…… fuckit I’m leaving the AC on!
Only reason mine isn’t on 24/7 for the next 3 days is concern it’ll burn out.
I only just got my aircon installed last year and now I’ll be moving out - this is the best chance I’ll get to make good use of it, I’m running it as much as I want.
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Flat is 30 degrees. Lowest it gets tonight is 27. Therefore, flat will reach equilibrium with outside tomorrow.
What’s the point of paying this much for a rental if it can’t keep the fucking heat out?
Poor fluffy noodle