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In the Bloomberg survey, a large share of the respondents voiced concerns with Biden’s age and a significant percentage said Trump was dangerous, and suggested the number of “double haters”, as pollsters call voters who approve of neither candidate, is significant.

Those findings were broadly repeated in Saturday’s Times poll. Biden’s approval rating came in at 38%, with Trump faring better with a 44% favorable rating.

Nineteen per cent of voters said they disapproved of both men, but among them Biden is slightly less hated, with a spread of 7% between Biden (38%) and Trump (45%). That spread, according to the Times, is significant: the candidate less disliked by “double haters” has won the last two presidential elections.

joever freedom-hater

  • FriendBesto
    11 months ago

    They could have someone better, no? Surely they will flip him. I have seen him go off teleprompter at times for years now, enough to see the man is not fully there. Anyone would if they saw the interviews themselves. Not the clips on most news.

    It is the Highest Office on the land, they can surely pick someone else, who is not in mental decline out of their pool. In fact both parties should put a limit on ages, I recently looked at it, there are a number of 70+ in the Feds.

    Last physical he had just last week, conveniently did not test for mental decline. This was right after his couple of disastrous mistakes in public. It is as if his staff knew something. No wonder their statement elsewhere was more or less, ‘no new issues were seen.’ Well, duh. Obviously.

    "President Biden got his latest physical on Wednesday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center — an evaluation that the White House said drew on the expertise of 20 doctors but did not involve a cognitive exam.

    The will be closely scrutinized since Biden, now 81, is the oldest person ever to hold the office of U.S. president, and voters have expressed concern that he is too old for a second four-year term in the job.

    Concerns about Biden’s age were amplified this month by a about Biden’s handling of classified material that described him as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

    Most are out of touch dinosaurs.