There has never been a time in my life in which I have turned down the chance to watch David Byrne do weird little dances.
same as it ever was
Where does that highway go to
Anybody who’s a Talking Heads fan should check out David Byrne’s American Utopia.
For those who didn’t know, Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense double LP is available for pre-order now for an August release date.
Absolutely fantastic song, and somehow not even the best track on that album.
I remember when that video came out: I was in college. Used to hang out in the campus center watching MTV on the big screen television. Not a flat screen, of course. Those were decades in the future. But damn, there were some good videos made back then!
When this song came out, I was struck by how much it applied to my life. I was living in a shotgun shack, in place I’d never been to before, we drove a Winnebago, and I was a beautiful wife, only not his beautiful wife, and I most definitely wondered how I got there!
There’s just something about the speech at the beginning that gives this thing such a spiritual vibe. It’s like an acid trip in a movie where the main character looks at their wreck of a life and decisions they’ve made, and realize that life is still incredible in spite of it.