• Spotted_Lady@wolfballs.com
    3 years ago

    Yeah, I tend to support social Darwinism. Like we should have never had the tobacco suits. They just destroyed the economy of conservative areas. Hell, those who are dumb enough to smoke should, IMHO, get what they get. Why reward people for choosing to use a dangerous product? As for mitigating factors, yeah, big tobacco was targeting kids in the past. Even some old tobacco ads relied on pseudo-science. Like saying smoking during pregnancy can produce a healthier baby. The “logic” was something like, “Stress is bad for pregnancy, smoking relieves stress, so smoke for a healthier baby.”

    And I have no mercy on someone being a wh-re and an attempted murderess. Really, fetuses should be a protected class with hate crimes enhancements. Yeah, that is a liberal approach, but it would be fun to beat the Libs at their own game.

    As for my take on abortion, I am mostly pro-life. It would be convenient to society if more minority, poor, unfit, or disruptive people were to abort. However, I do believe abortion should be an option in cases of rape/incest or specific medical problems such as carrying a grossly deformed fetus.