• dumpsterlid@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Gotta love that one of the most powerful cities on earth with empty luxury apartments rising into a speculative sky above homeless and the precariously homed (one rent raise away from eviction) is so full of rich miserly conservatives that the everybody has to pay to use one of the most efficient collective forms of transport on the planet. It is like charging people to use an escalator, but even dumber because making mass transit free supercharges commerce by putting a couple extra bucks in the pocket of everyone who uses it (to inevitably spend at the coffee shop, or grocery store, or restaurant… economy go brrrr).

    Jump those turnstiles fam, the rich are stealing so much from you that you could jump turnstiles all day like an Olympic hurtle jumper and it wouldn’t even begin to settle the score, at this point no amount of money can.