Hey c/snes, let’s try to get this community kickstarted a bit!

Here’s a shot of my current SNES/SFC collection:

I usually play on my Analogue Super Nt (or Pocket if I’m on the go or want to play in bed).

What about you? Any favourites in your collection?

  • hakase
    1 year ago

    Very nice looking collection!

    Chrono Trigger in English is one I’ve never been able to lay hands on. I’ve mostly stopped collecting though, since I usually play on an Everdrive. In total I have about 50 SNES games and about 20 SFC games I’ve imported. I play on my original SNES from my childhood on an Ikegami 20-inch RGB PVM.

    My favorites are my childhood copies of Final Fantasy II, the game that got me into RPGs, and my childhood copy of Super Mario RPG.

    Edit: Time to find out how to upload images here! Here are my games: