• Count042
        7 months ago

        You’re trying to blame people starving on the people starving, rather than the people denying them food.

        I wasn’t the one that copy and pasted the word blather multiple times, but you don’t get to act like you deserve to be treated any way differently than a fan of genocide.

        You go from thread to thread spewing your racist hate filled victim blaming, and it is sickening to see you do so. It is sickening to see you blame starving people for starving, and in doing so intentionally ignoring Israel blocking all the food, and when Israel does let in trucks carrying 1/10000 of the requisite food, acting like the people behaving the way all humans would when starving somehow makes them responsible.

        Oh, I’m sorry, when Israel lets in the trucks with 1/10000 of the food, that they then don’t blow up once in Gaza. Or have their infantry shoot at the people gathering trying to get the food.

        You’re intentionally dehumanizing a suffering group that is literally eating grass because they are starving because you’re a hate filled racist.