Great write-up.

In fact, the line “Labour and National had broadly similar fiscal approaches…” is worth repeating.

So the default position we should be applying to the current government is – where is all the evidence for the claims that Luxon is making?

    7 months ago

    Their tax cuts, or more accurately bracket adjustments, will mean more money for almost everyone in NZ

    It absolutely will not. People on low incomes get nothing, people on low to middle get $2 a week, only around 3000 families meet the highly specific targeted criteria for the $250 per fortnight that was misleadingly flashed around during the election. The rest goes to upper incomes and that’s before the landlord handouts.

    Then a whole bunch of these people will be directly financially worse off from removal of public transport and prescription support, big rates increases from abandoning 3 waters with no replacement and so on and so on.