The OP states it was part of Gondwana, maybe that’s what makes it different.
If you click through to the microcontinent link that seems to support the idea of microcontinents being pieces broken off a bigger one. But with everything coming from Gondwana then that means all the existing ones are fragments, and the only reason other fragments aren’t considered continents is size (e.g. Madigascar).
Zealandia seems to be the Pluto of continents. Too small to be a continent but much larger than the largest microcontinent.
It’s also worth noting that the previous government had a Road to Zero policy similar to the Vision Zero policies mentioned in the article. Part of this involved reducing speed limits on high risk roads.
The new government committed to ending that policy, and increasing speed limits on some roads over that were not reduced under the previous policy.
Also relevant is they are building roads that no one wants, and creating huge debt doing it…