Edit: new and improved image, now with 100% less support! Used my expert photo editing skills to change “supporting” to say “voting for”

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.today
    8 months ago

    Yet another disingenuous, “just asking questions,” huh? “Oh no the news is out to get him when he did nothing wrong!”

    “Right off the bat, let me accuse you of something I have no proof for, just to frame this as an honest and fair debate.”

    Everything is as expensive as hell because Donald and the GQP have given out trillions in handouts to the wealthy, given out three years of tax cuts to the wealthy, blocked all attempts at fair wages, blocked all attempts at affordable healthcare, blocked all attempts at taxing corporations.

    That doesn’t make any sense, why would any of those things make consumer prices more expensive?

    Wages DID rise under Biden but they’re barely keeping up with inflation so for the average worker, things are no better now than they were under Trump, or am I wrong there?

    Somehow we have both high price inflation and record profits for every corporation. That’s not adding up. It’s only Biden’s fault if you’re deliberately ignoring reality.

    Okay so how is that Trump’s fault though? Did the handouts he gave help keep prices low and now that Biden isn’t giving any, they’re trying to make their profit by raising prices instead? Explain.

    Of course we should also consider Donald is a lifelong crook and a rapist who is corrupt as fuck. Biden won’t sell state secrets to Russia and the Saudis like Donald did.

    And Biden isn’t? Did he not have a lifelong friendship with a KKK grand wizard? Did he not say he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle? Did he not sponsor the 1994 crime bill that put millions of black people in jail for minor offenses? Is his son not a drug addict who films himself banging underage Chinese hookers and then leaves the footage on laptop he forgets to pick up from the repair guy?

    • jkrtn
      8 months ago

      LOL “no proof” of the deliberate dishonesty disguised as questioning. Thank you for ending the comment with some classic insane right talking points so that we know you’re utterly disinterested in the truth.

      • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.today
        8 months ago

        Which of the things I’ve said about Biden were wrong? They’ve all been reported by the mainstream media at this point. Dismissing them as “insane talking points” only proves that YOU aren’t really interested in the truth.