I know it has a lot of users somewhere else

  • @Magusbear
    11 months ago

    Be the change you want to see in the world!

    I would encourage anyone who wants to see a certain community on Lemmy to just create it themselves. Even if you don’t want to moderate it forever, you can always let someone else take over the reigns.

      • poVoq
        311 months ago

        Why not on feddit? lemmy.ml doesn’t have to be the only place to make communities.

          • @Limeade@beehaw.org
            411 months ago

            Beehaw is unique in not allowing users to create new communities, you’d have to convince the Beehaw admins to make it (who want fewer, broader communities with more engagement instead of tiny niche communities) or create one on the servers that do allow users to create communities. You can always create it on a different server and share it in a Beehaw community you think is relevant to get Beehaw users to subscribe though.