Biden’s team seems to have tried to scrub this video from the web almost entirely. It used to be easily available on YouTube, but it was replaced with a shortened version which cuts off the part where he just goes off the rails about Xi Jinping. I guess then they can just blame it on his “stutter”.

Anyway, I found it on an old Facebook post from a year ago, so enjoy, and save it to your devices folks lest it be permanently memory holed.

Ok apparently it is still available on YouTube, it was only showing up with the shortened version when I looked earlier.

In any event, still an amazing gaffe.

Edit: PolitiFact: Joe Biden described America as “the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping.”FALSE Five Pinocchios ! maybe-later-kiddo maybe-later-honey

Edit2: I replaced the stupid Zuckerberg URL with the regular YouTube one as pointed out by comrade because apparently I don’t know how to use a search bar

  • christian [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Holy shit I had no idea politifact was that awful. The video quite obviously went viral for that brief moment where it seems like the “single word” is complete gibberish. I’m capable of imagining a person who doesn’t find that very funny (that person I’ve imagined is wrong btw), but it’s very hard for me to imagine a person who can actually watch the video and think it’s going viral for a different reason. The only place you can pause that video before he gets to the word “possibilities” that could possibly be interpreted as him having completed his thought is immediately after the gibberish, which they explicitly state is not where the post in question ends.

    It’s not that I doubted the many people who have said politifact is bad, but I always figured that being bad would involve more sleight of hand than just assuming their readers aren’t going to have seen the video in question. I was picturing something like refuting a claim by citing a reference to a source that most readers will find is too much effort to dig into, not relying on none of their readers having seen a very short clip they’re describing as viral.