I really like static site generators like Pelican, Hugo etc… My problem is that you have to use it with command lines in a terminal and you have to remember the commands to use it which is not at all easy for a normal person, at least it’s not easy for me, every time I forget the commands and so I don’t use the tool.

It would be great to have a kind of graphical interface to generate your blog on your computer, and then a big send button or synchronize with your FTP server to put the article online for example. Thus, almost anyone would be able to easily use these tools, which are so much simpler and lighter to deploy than a wordpress for example.

  • TrollOPM
    22 years ago

    I found this tool on GIthub (Gridea) which seems to be excellent (maybe it lacks some translation for the menus but it is totally what I imagined for Pelican)

  • @plu
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • TrollOPM
      22 years ago

      I didn’t know you could generate static sites with Grav, I’ll try, thanks.