Like holy shit no I’m not. I wish I could film myself all day every day because I know I talk fucking strange, make weird facial expressions, walk funny, move my head weird, etc., all things I want to work on, because I know people look at me like I’m a fucking alien, because these are all things I should have smoothed out by the time I was like 13 but fucking didn’t.

I know there isn’t really anything wrong with me, but when I listen to the way I talk, see the way I behave in the wild, etc., I am exactly someone who I would be embarrassed to be around. I know that’s shitty of me, that I would be embarrassed to be around someone, but idk what to tell you.

Even when I’ve been awake for a couple days and say some fucking bizarre shit to someone they’re like “Oh no you’re fine you talk normal” NO I DON’T.

Are these people concerned about being ableist or something? Because it’s even more ableist to fucking coddle me and lie to me when I’m trying to figure out why (generally) nobody likes me.

  • OsrsNeedsF2P
    5 months ago

    Yes, they are absolutely concerned with offending you, which is quite frankly incredibly offensive. Speaking the truth is a skill that lots of people lack.

    Find some close friends and get used to exchanging insults with them. Start small of course, but over time you’ll be able to build them up. It sounds weird, but helps you call out insecurities like they are so you can fix them.

    (Note - don’t go around insulting people’s insecurities. That’s top tier dick move. Make sure it’s well understood as a joke, and start very soft. If they’re not reciprocating the jokes, don’t increase frequency/intensity)