• EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    “if you’re not with us you’re with the terrorists”

    Btw I’d get rounded up by trump too. Probably before you would if pence is vp again. They’re the bad cop to the dems’ good cop, and until you and a bunch of other loyal democrats (like I used to be) realize that, we will never stop sliding to the right. Democrats know they can run literally any candidate and potentially win, and dogmatically voting for them is never going to change that. Only making your vote conditional can, unless I’m missing something that you’d care to explain between calling me a fascist

    • PugJesus@kbin.social
      9 months ago

      “if you’re not with us you’re with the terrorists”

      Mathe-fucking-matically, there are two serious options in the upcoming election. “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

      Btw I’d get rounded up by trump too. Probably before you would if pence is vp again. They’re the bad cop to the dems’ good cop, and until you and a bunch of other loyal democrats (like I used to be) realize that, we will never stop sliding to the right. Democrats know they can run literally any candidate and potentially win, and dogmatically voting for them is never going to change that. Only making your vote conditional can, unless I’m missing something that you’d care to explain between calling me a fascist

      Care to tell me how making your vote conditional is gonna change the Democratic Party when future elections aren’t gonna matter? Do you think that a second Trump term is gonna give the Dems a chance to ‘earn back’ our votes in 2026 and 2028? Or do you think, more likely, the government will be hollowed out and our votes will mean jack shit?

      The way we stop the Dems from sliding to the right is actually turning out for the fucking primaries, unlike most younger voters. Fuck, when I worked the polls, I saw jack fucking shit for people my age during the primaries. We could have had fucking Bernie. But there’s not a sense of civic duty, or even a good sense of how the system works amongst people my age. Honestly, around people of any age, but the old fucks still check their snail mail and get a flyer that tells them how to vote and hobble in and ask us to help them fill out their ballot exactly as they’re told to.

      That’s something many factions are happy to encourage - but it’s not baked into the system. It’s something that can be fought - and not by giving the GOP the presidency in the hope that it’ll magically pull people left instead of right, unlike, y’know, the rightward swings that have happened in every previous GOP presidency.

      The fact that it’s Trump, the moronic puppeteered fuck who tried an autocoup for the first time in US history, just turns it from “This is a really dumb idea” to “This is a fucking suicidal idea”.

      • EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Yep, if only those pesky young voters and 3rd party voters would just vote for absolute pieces of shit after being treated like garbage for not supporting someone 10% less abhorrent than Reagan. Your piece of shit candidates don’t deserve any fucking votes until they actually start representing people other than the white boomers who will vote for them no matter what

        • PugJesus@kbin.social
          9 months ago

          “Well, not living under fascism is nice, but I don’t think the Democrats really EARNED my vote, you know?”

          And you accuse others of being privileged pieces of shit? Lmao

          • EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Because democrats are very very interested in stopping fascism. Yep, they definitely didn’t literally put trump into office by funding ads for him and putting an unlikable piece of shit against him three elections in a row. DEMOCRATS LOVE FASCISM!! THEY FUCKING ADORE IT!! YOU’D HAVE TO BE CARTOONISHLY NAIVE TO NOT SEE IT!!! You support your nazi collaborator piece of shit and I’ll go ahead and not do that, no matter who wins we’re all fucked, either immediately or after one or two more elections of Hillary and Biden-tier candidates