• 16 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Not misinformation, disinformation. You read the article, yet choose to act like this is comparable to spray paint or something else that won’t immediately wash off. This is like getting indignant bc somebody threw a couple eggs at a great pyramid. It’s stupid and irrelevant to climate change, but sharing articles where the title says they threw acid instead of eggs is just fucking wrong, and serves no purpose besides discrediting climate activism

    Edit actually this article says nothing about corn flour, sorry for accusing you of ignoring that. That’s super shady and shitty on the Guardian’s part, a detail that majorly changes how actually harmful this act was

    Double edit you’re still acting like they threw actual paint, so nvm my apology. Stop being such a blatant oil shill

  • I mostly agree, but imo classic art is a much more valid target than Stonehenge or other historical sites. Some oil squirted onto cloth by an old white guy who’s been dead for 200+ years can be very pretty and can have some historical significance, but their loss isn’t anything close to a tragedy. What happened at Stonehenge would be inexcusable imo if it were coated with real paint that couldn’t be removed without ruining old carvings and stuff on it, as it is it’s just a stupid target. Fuck classic art, if people genuinely care more about preserving doodles made by slave owners than the environment, they should become climate activists to protect their precious art