CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
Keyboard: E
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
Ah, yes the good ol days of punch cards, switch boards, mechanical operators and electron tubes, when will the youngins learn that their fancy transistors are for pussies
Personally I inscribe all of my code into binary on a fired clay tablet and store it in a cave for archival purposes
I always appreciated Dunes idea of a mentat, basically an accountant trained from birth and juiced up on brain steroids to have equal computing ability to a high level AI. Usually when I think of the way human conciousness may evolve and trancend its current capabilities my mind goes right to the psychadellic-bro conciousness expansion and non-localized astral projection stuff, its interesting to consider there are other potential paths to augmenting human conciousness and what other boundaries could be pushed.
PS/2 Port on its way to harass the CPU
Seems the CPU has become the bully these days:
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
Keyboard: E
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
My grandpa always used to say that computers used to be way better before they became electrical.
Ah, yes the good ol days of punch cards, switch boards, mechanical operators and electron tubes, when will the youngins learn that their fancy transistors are for pussies
Personally I inscribe all of my code into binary on a fired clay tablet and store it in a cave for archival purposes
No I meant the real computers
Low level accountants in the early 20th century.
No binary monstrosity could ever replace just doing it in your head.
I always appreciated Dunes idea of a mentat, basically an accountant trained from birth and juiced up on brain steroids to have equal computing ability to a high level AI. Usually when I think of the way human conciousness may evolve and trancend its current capabilities my mind goes right to the psychadellic-bro conciousness expansion and non-localized astral projection stuff, its interesting to consider there are other potential paths to augmenting human conciousness and what other boundaries could be pushed.