Article by IEEE Spectrum: The writers tested the two AI image generators MidJourney and Stable Diffusion, testing their abilities to generate imagery that closely resembled copyrighted material, which proves that the training data of the image generators had to contain copyrighted material. Implemented safeguards were largely unsuccessful to curb the output of potentially infringing images.

    6 months ago

    When artists copy someone else’s style or use an IP (I imagine Patreon fanfic art of trendy characters) both the original studio and the copying artist get paid for their labor.

    With AI only the AI company gets paid in subscriptions for the service of operating a server that has the AI algorithm running on it.

    My basic take is that I want artists paid for their work and the AI company, which has insane funding and legal responsibility, is stealing.

    If Disney sends an individual artist a cease and desist - that artist almost certainly complies. If Disney sent the AI company a cease and desist - its a legal battle designed to cement, not dismantle, copyright infringement rules - for the enrichment of those who already have structural power in the job market for art creation.