Unless you have a specific constraint not mentioned in your post, it would probably just be a waste of time compared to just downloading an existing rip from a torrent site. Especially considering most stuff on Disney+ is fairly mainstream and should be easy to find.
Trying to rip from Disney rather than finding a source to download it would be more time-consuming and would likely end up with worse quality than what the various scene groups get out.
Disney+ has a lot of foreign language dubs, which even for mainstream titles are exceedingly hard to find on torrent sites. It’s the thing holding me back from getting a NAS and going full pirate.
That’s for sure one of the bigger constraints possible, and one I’m most familiar with as my first language isn’t English. You can still usually find stuff though, although it might require private torrent trackers or Usenet.
I always wondered about this. I have the same TV series as local MP4 files: one with English audio, and another with Greek. I thought I could just extract the audio tracks and use them to build an MKV file with multiple audio, but it always ended up with an audio sync error. One track would always be in sync at the beginning, but 20min in could be out of sync by as much as 5seconds.
How do people build multi-audio files if the audio tracks aren’t part of the original source?
The desync issue is probably caused by different frame rates. For example, an American movie is 60 FPS, while a Greek one is 50 FPS. That leads to a slow desyncining of the audio throughout the video.
If you know about this problem, then I think it’s quite easy to fix while merging the two files.
I think you need to manually adjust the length of the audio stream after you extracted it, they are usually of the common fixed sample rates (like 44.1kHz or 48kHz) and are not tied to the frame rate of the video stream (other than being the same length in time).
For such a small percentage change (a few seconds over something like an hour long) “Change Speed” in an audio editor should be good enough, the shift in pitch should not be noticeable.
Unless you have a specific constraint not mentioned in your post, it would probably just be a waste of time compared to just downloading an existing rip from a torrent site. Especially considering most stuff on Disney+ is fairly mainstream and should be easy to find.
Trying to rip from Disney rather than finding a source to download it would be more time-consuming and would likely end up with worse quality than what the various scene groups get out.
Disney+ has a lot of foreign language dubs, which even for mainstream titles are exceedingly hard to find on torrent sites. It’s the thing holding me back from getting a NAS and going full pirate.
That’s for sure one of the bigger constraints possible, and one I’m most familiar with as my first language isn’t English. You can still usually find stuff though, although it might require private torrent trackers or Usenet.
I always wondered about this. I have the same TV series as local MP4 files: one with English audio, and another with Greek. I thought I could just extract the audio tracks and use them to build an MKV file with multiple audio, but it always ended up with an audio sync error. One track would always be in sync at the beginning, but 20min in could be out of sync by as much as 5seconds.
How do people build multi-audio files if the audio tracks aren’t part of the original source?
The desync issue is probably caused by different frame rates. For example, an American movie is 60 FPS, while a Greek one is 50 FPS. That leads to a slow desyncining of the audio throughout the video.
If you know about this problem, then I think it’s quite easy to fix while merging the two files.
Yeah that’s what I figured, but I have no idea how to adjust the frame rate when extracting the audio stream :-(
I think you need to manually adjust the length of the audio stream after you extracted it, they are usually of the common fixed sample rates (like 44.1kHz or 48kHz) and are not tied to the frame rate of the video stream (other than being the same length in time).
For such a small percentage change (a few seconds over something like an hour long) “Change Speed” in an audio editor should be good enough, the shift in pitch should not be noticeable.
I’ll give that a try, thanks!
Private trackers have it.
Disney+ has some TV shows for which there isnt good availability on Usenet or torrent. Mostly older kids shows.
Really? Any examples offhand?
I bet you could find what you’re looking for on Old Toons World.
Not OP but the only problem with specifically Disney + is they have a TON of shorts that I never can find on any scraper/website