that is possibly the best compliment I’ve been given in ages, it’s just a simple, fun playground and basically my social media replacement (just without the annoying audience :)
I threw some filtering on it just to be extra safe and wound up blocking everything but the US. Did get a small uptick on bot traffic when I posted a link so might have overdone the security a little.
Guessing you are from one of the countries in hat showed up in the filter logs. I’ll do some selective unblocking.
EDIT- been selectively unblocking as I see them. I’m extra paranoid but also always learning.
that is possibly the best compliment I’ve been given in ages, it’s just a simple, fun playground and basically my social media replacement (just without the annoying audience :)
deleted by creator
I threw some filtering on it just to be extra safe and wound up blocking everything but the US. Did get a small uptick on bot traffic when I posted a link so might have overdone the security a little.
Guessing you are from one of the countries in hat showed up in the filter logs. I’ll do some selective unblocking.
EDIT- been selectively unblocking as I see them. I’m extra paranoid but also always learning.