After a sober new years because I was on call, I decided to keep it going.

Here’s what I’m doing that is helping me so far:

  • No caffeine. It puts me on a rise/crash cycle where I end up going for the beer just to get through the evening.

  • No alcohol lying around; environment is stronger than willpower.

  • Keeping busy until the liquor stores close

  • Eating properly and regularly, so I never reach a state of low energy and low willpower. Because you know a beer will fix that real quick and then you’re back in the cycle.

Also really helps after ADHD diagnosis and having medication to kill the uneasy itchiness that I was using alcohol for.

  • LemmyHeadM
    1 year ago

    One tip from my side is not to look at how drinking is giving you certain benefits, but rather focus on how NOT drinking is giving you benefits. In OPs example: I’m on call so I really need to stay sharp to be able to do my job properly.

    Realizing these benefits and the importance of them on short and longer term can be a strong motivation.

    Another is: keep drinking something else during craving periods to keep that “drinking muscle” busy and fill your stomach with fluids. Indeally something healthy like water or soup.