• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    02 years ago

    They have no choice but to keep using fossils until they can build clean energy production infrastructure. This is the case for the rest of the world as well, except most major countries aren’t actually building this infrastructure while China is. It’s also worth noting that China has a concrete plan to transition of fossils which includes more use of coal in the near term. However, this is in line with their targets.

    • @jedrax
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        12 years ago

        There is literally no reason not to trust China on this because they’re currently demonstrating that they’re building clean energy infrastructure at scale, and they have a long history of meeting their goals. They aim to be carbon neutral by 2060, but they’ve already made stunning progress compared to most other nations.

        I’m curious what you base your claim that this is a bullshit argument on, and why you’re claiming China shouldn’t be trusted?