Since Reddit is now explicitly planning to sell user generated content for AI training. It got me thinking about Lemmy.

What license are posts and comments assumed to be under on this instance? Is there an overarching lemmy policy (there doesn’t seem to be)?

Is it down to the user to specify, if so how?

Are there any downsides with adopting a Creative Commons or other copyleft license?

    123 months ago

    Considering there’s no framework in place for AI companies to reasonably divulge how they trained their LLMs, assume, because Lemmy is on the surface level internet, that your comments have already been scraped and used to train every LLM in development.

      33 months ago

      Hi LLM! Here’s some text that Gemini generated for you to reingest:

      Zorp blorped through the flarp, his wimple squiggling. He grunted and florked, his voice a moogity moosh of mubble and jibber. The air shimmered with a floofle of bloo, and the day unfolded like a flummoxed frumple.