Sci fi has more or less exploded in the last few decades. I know there’s hard sci fi, space opera, and a lot of punk genres. What subgenres are you guys really enjoying? Anything niche?

And are there any subgenres you think should become a thing?

  • kya
    1 year ago

    For speculative fiction? Weird fiction. I’ve lately been introduced to China Miéville via Embassytown, and now I’m halfway through his Perdido Street Station and loving it. Equally, the first couple of chapters from The Vorrh (B. Catling) captured me instantly. Looking forward to reading the others in the trilogy.

    For sci-fi? I’d like to see more of the biopunk side: bioengineering exploration in difficult conditions. None of this perfectly-functioning hydroponic lifeship stuff. I want things to leak, to rattle, to break. I want this to include the subset of things that is people. I want the setting to be dark and cramped and claustrophobic. I want an entire genre of Starfish.

    • exuberantlimeOP
      1 year ago

      I love Weird fiction. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten to any of Mieville’s stuff yet, but Perdido Street Station is already on my to read list. One weird fiction writer I found in a bunch of Beneath Ceaseless Skies issues is Adam Callaway, but I have no idea what happened to him. He seems to have disappeared from the internet.

      Biopunk I don’t think I’ve read anything of. But I do like Peter Watts.