Some tips:

  • Unless you’re playing hot and are confidently legend (i.e. you’re holding your own when you make it to legend) then all the usual advice applies with this brawl, don’t bother.

  • You really have to know your opponents deck and mulligan for cards you know will give your deck the best chance at winning.

  • I played optimally with my deck but one mistake did cost me a game so you will be punished for sub optimal plays.

  • You do have an element of luck with matchups but I faced two decks which are hard counter to my decks (Thaddeus sludge warlock) and won because I played around their combo trigger. I stress again, you have to know your deck and your opponents very well.

  • Don’t take excavation rogue as your deck unless you are sub 1000 legend, you’ll die.

Would I recommend earthen paladin? The meta for the brawl has shifted a bit more to value decks I chose this deck because treant Druid and excavate rogue is so popular and this deck hard counters Druid and performs well against rogue players who play suboptimally.

Earthen will not perform well against Reno decks unless you get a very good draw.

  • mortemtyrannisOP
    1 year ago

    You’re 100% right.

    I’ve been slamming standard and I practiced games just before entering. Understanding the current meta was a huge help. It also was lucky that the deck I have been playing fit neatly into what I guessed the brawl meta would be.

    I was actually most concerned with burning out at <5 win mark because earthen wasn’t actually performing at gold and silver ranks. People bring weird decks that just happen to be favourably matched against me.

    The risk of another 12 run doesn’t seem worth it. I’ve now opened over 220+ badlands packs so I’d be dusting 98% of the cards I’d get on a second run and I’ve been eyeing the titans mini set so I think I’ll spend the gold on that instead.

    Honestly I doubt I could repeat this anyway. There is a lot of variance and I’d likely strike out at 9 wins or less.