Everyone needs to read this.

  • MeowKittyWow
    811 months ago

    This was a fantastic read, thank you for sharing it!

    I was never on LiveJournal, but I remember spending a lot of time on all sorts of random websites in the 90s and early 00s. Many hosted on Geocities, or Tripod, often with free forum software of some sort, making hundreds of tiny little communities. And over time, each one disappeared.

    The fediverse gives me hope; it definitely has its problems, but fundamentally no single person owns the whole thing. Individual corners may come and go, but the network will remain, and that’s awesome.

    • clobble_wobble
      511 months ago

      Yeah that’s something I’m really excited to see come out of Rexxit is the (hopeful) revival of smaller communities. Or at least larger communities that aren’t owned by one corporation that neds to profit off of said users.