Here are some questions I have about how communism would work in a country like Canada, where there is an European majority and a marginalised Indigenous minority.

  1. If the country itself goes communist but the indigenous peoples would really just want to govern themselves, what should the respectful solution be? Should they be allowed to break off into their own country if they so choose?

  2. Leftists speak about both decolonisation and giving back Indigenous land, but also collective ownership of all land. How would one integrate those two concepts in practice?

  3. Assuming we’re not talking about generations after the marginalisation ended, instead it’s the time frame when the oppression is in living memory and both oppressing and oppressed individuals are still alive and interact with each other (AKA, now): Do you think communism would truly allow people of European and Indigenous descents to become “even”, as in reach a point where the European peoples have completely settled their debt to the Indigenous peoples and can move on from the baggage of being colonizers? Perhaps more importantly, can such an enormous debt ever be repaid or will there always be a tension between those peoples? I think the same would go for any marginalised and marginalising groups, even if policy is implemented that removed all inequality between them, like communism for example, can the former marginalising group ever consider themselves to be rid of the shame and weight of their actions, or would that be arrogant?