First we got this:
Then this:
Then this:
Let’s not hide it: Intel, AMD and nVidia are the PC gaming industry as we know it. Qualcomm surpassing the Xbox X series and the three (Intel/AMD/nVidia) pushing, or be pushed, towards RISC PC may change few things. But ARM RISC PC also mean lot of more competition like Samsung working on CPU using 5nm processes… this come at costs of the historical traditional PC’s software database.
Makes you think, I guess.
Note that there’s a bunch of proprietary middleware in use by games that will likely never see support on platforms other than x86_64-windows. The high-level nature of individual components doesn’t mean much when some parts are just inherently unportable.
While you have a good point about the proprietary middleware, that would be far from inherently unportable - just not yet ported, likely due to low profitability. Something truly unportable would rely on specific hardware quirks, like - and I’m very sorry I can’t find the original source - one old instance of some game that relied on the timing of a spinning drumhead in order to select the correct data or instruction after the completion of one prior; and even then, a port could be made with sufficient understanding of the original system.
Oh the individual components could absolutely be ported but they won’t.