I am shocked to see how many anti-capitalist’s there are these days. Capitalism is quite frankly the great western experiment that has historically been proven to promote technological and social progress through the understanding that hard work and freedom to communicate ideas brings success. The opposite would be forced ideology and mandated work schedules - this has historically brought famine, genocide and mass technological decline.

Let’s keep it clean and post a single question per post so it can be more easily digested.

  • @AxG68KOPM
    03 years ago

    As long as workers must compete in a race to the bottom, they won’t have this luxury. As such, the power between employer and employee is imbalanced.

    Lets take a look at this thought. How does this work? As an employer you got there by knowing more about the business than the average person. If you hire someone then why should they have the same power as you? Employees are like apprentices - they learn with time on the job as long as they dedicate a good amount of energy to it. After a certain time you generally learn more of that industry and end up with different levels of competency. When you have learned enough to climb the corporate hierarchy, then you do so or you leave and start your own business and the cycle repeats. You train people to do something valuable to society.

    Hierarchies in business are a natural barrier to prevent incompetence from destroying the business.

      • @AxG68KOPM
        -13 years ago

        Too many chiefs and too few Indians plague large corporations for sure. We cannot take the extreme crap of a concept and demonize it. There must be a hierarchy to corporations, there is just no way to get things done without wasting time with incompetence.

        Take a look at Linux - this perfectly flat. Too many ideas going all sorts of places. Yeah its awesome and my main OS, but energy is wasted going in directions that make no sense and fail. Compare that to how Apple handled it’s operating system. There are countless ways to package apps in Linux. What a mess. In OSX - one. And it makes life easy. Not saying Linux should not exist as it does - it has sparked thousands of ideas and companies, just compare it to a mega profitable company that started using virtually the same technology (BSD vs GNU)

        To make progress you must lean towards a corporate hierarchy vs a flat organization. Of course going too far is a big problem too - blackberry.