Look at here and the people who complain about it being too hard to figure out are the ones complaining about “I can’t use muh slurs, this is awful.”

“The left of today is very much in favour of censorship to avoid “harm.” This makes those of us in the middle very wary of signing up to any partisan media.” /u/decidedlysticky23

/u/misshapensteed claims he isn’t far right, but explictly only posts on PoliticalCompassMemes and TheLeftCantMeme and KotakuInAction.

If they are too stupid to figure out we know they’re lying, they’re too stupid to figure out lemmy.

      • ATGM 🚀
        311 months ago

        So considering that those individuals are supportive of genocide- not even denying, but supportive- That is a fairly big problem for the ecosystem.

        Presumably, with their extremist and toxic views, they will be acting to keep criticism of their favorite Imperial states (say, China) from being too prominent.

        • GuyDudeman
          1411 months ago

          They’ve actually been quite tolerant of all of us, to be honest. I don’t think they have any desire to be exclusive to tankies.

        • comfy
          1111 months ago

          I don’t know where you’re making these assumptions from. They’ve actively promoted Beehaw, which defederated with Lemmygrad.

          If they were acting in bad faith and just trying to shove ideology down your throat, they wouldn’t have done that. They would have at least declared their own instance to be an authoritarian flagship instance.