This seems like the most relevant community. I have so many questions - some from pure curiosity, and some from actually considering hosting an instance.

  • Scrubbles
    61 year ago

    I just set mine up today, I didn’t find any super great resources. It would be nice to have an Admins community. I posted in support but it felt wrong, felt like it was more meant for basic questions about Lemmy. There’s also a matrix chat, a few people in there.

    • @KelbesqOP
      71 year ago

      Most of my questions are less about the nuts and bolts of setting up an instance, and more about broader topics. Example: can their be a backup of an instance, both for load balancing and for redundancy? Can individual communities be migrated from one instance to another?

      • Scrubbles
        61 year ago

        These are all good questions and I’d like the answer too. After beehaw tipped over yesterday after the surge (which in internet terms was not huge), what are the strategies or best practices in hosting? How do we scale out or up? I think backups are covered on the server, but how would we post an outage warning?