Links to a hopefully growing list of lemmy clients.

There is an official FOSS lemmy app for Android called Jerboa that I’m using to create this post and it seems to work pretty well but that’s not all, there’s an iOS app, some BBS looking thing and some libraries that interact with reddit…

Wonder how useful those will be once the api changes happen in July, maybe worth trying them while you can…

What app are you using? Any thoughts about how they work? Just the website seems on your phone seems way more usable then any official reddit anything which is nice.

Man, I can’t find the submit post button…😅 Edit: i had to select a community first

    • fisco™🇬🇧🇺🇦
      811 months ago

      Infinity is a nice app, really customizable, smooth, and fun to use. Would be great in the devs decided to head over here…

    • @asexualchangeling
      311 months ago

      100% agreed, I would love to keep using infinity for this after we can’t use it on reddit anymore